This. multi-year, multi-phase culture shift was a true Organization Development and comprehensive change management project.

Phase 1: Leadership Competency Development

LWC’s White, with 1 support consultant,  led a strategic initiative to transform the organizational culture, beginning with a multi-day workshop with a group of 12 SMEs to develop a profile of “mission critical” leadership behaviors to drive collaboration, innovation, and accountability. Through structured facilitation, the group analyzed 38 leadership competencies, distilling specific observable behaviors into a targeted profile for senior leaders. To embed these concepts into daily operations, the team implemented a strategic communications plan, including regular discussion in leadership meetings and visual displays of competencies in the Division's entryway Vesta Board.

Phase 2: Pilot Leadership Coaching Program

Building on this foundation, LWC launched a pilot coaching program focusing on two senior leaders. The program began with an orientation session covering:

  • Introduction to the 360° assessment process;

  • Guidelines for selecting feedback providers across organizational levels; and

  • Program expectations and commitment requirements.

Following the collection and analysis of feedback data, each leader received a comprehensive assessment report during their initial coaching session. The program continued with 11 additional weekly one-on-one coaching sessions, where each leader explored opportunities for personal growth and worked on developing several of the “mission critical” skills. Support included:

  • A structured development planning workbook

  • A comprehensive competency reference guide detailing skill progression from basic to mastery level

  • Practical strategies for strengthening each leadership competency

Phase 3: Program Expansion

Based on the pilot's success, the program expanded to include additional coaches, offering leaders coach selection flexibility. Three cohorts have completed the 12-week program, with the fourth cohort scheduled to begin in January 2025. 

Phase 4: Organizational Restructuring

Concurrent with the coaching initiative, White identified the need for structural changes to sustain the cultural transformation. This led to a group coaching project focused on organizational redesign and process improvement. Key accomplishments include:

  • Restructured organizational units aligned with cultural transformation goals;

  • Established Executive Leadership team charter;

  • Defined clear role distinctions between strategic and operational functions;

  • Created comprehensive strategic and implementation plans;

  • Developed systematic hand-off protocols between Strategy and Operations teams; and

  • Implemented communications plan framework.

The project demonstrated measurable improvements in employee engagement and organizational effectiveness, as evidenced by monthly employee engagement and climate data tracking.
